Hi, I’m Chris 👋
This blog is a personal project to process my learnings as a middle manager in a large tech company called Personio. I also try to follow my own advice to improve my writing.
I don’t aspire to be a tech influencer, but maybe you find some of these thoughts helpful. The internet is a big place, so I figured putting more text pages there won’t hurt.
If you find something useful, or if you violently disagree with something, feel free to reach out to me via the social links on this page or via email at uhl.christian@googlemail.com. I’m happy to hear either way.
As such, this blog is raw, largely unedited, and partially unhinged. To be sure, none of this represents the views of my employer, my government, or anyone else myself.
What about the weird domain name?
Jokes don’t get better if you’re explaining them, but since a lot of readers come from outside of Germany and have no chance of figuring it out: It’s a play on an old German left-wing rock band Ton Steine Scherben because I think their sound and renegade stance, a predecessor of what would become punk, fits well with my idea of management.