Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Personal Growth”
Peer Groups
Leadership can get lonely at times. You are the only one with your role in your direct team(s). Your manager is quite hard to reach. And you are also restricted in what you can share with the team, and talking about your struggles is almost always inappropriate. So how can you work through them? And how can you benefit from the knowledge that other people with the same role have in your company?
Writing is your Superpower
We all can benefit from being proficient at technical writing - no matter if we are Software Engineers, Product Managers, Engineering Managers or Designers. In the last decade of working in tech, I found one of the most remarkable shifts in how we work to be the switch to remote work. Especially after the pandemic and the hyperinflation of Video calls, our mode of work shifted a lot towards more asynchronous communication.
On Gratitude
As I am jumpstarting this blog, I would like to start this project with some thoughts around Gratitude towards the life I was able to build by working in the tech industry. Let’s see for how long I can keep it up, as many blogs get started, and few get kept running.
Photo by lilartsy
We, as software professionals, like to complain a lot. Sometimes over very silly things whether you need Kubernetes and Microservices to deploy your silly app with no users, sometimes over things that do matter a lot, like how we managed to mess up the inclusion of underrepresented groups so badly.